Sunday, January 26, 2014

Notes from January 26, 2014

Dear Writers,

Our Writing Prompt for this evening was: “It doesn’t matter if its right or not, its human nature and you can’t change that.” - The Winter Hero by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier. 

Also coming soon will be a post on how to start your own writing/critique group.

Sadly, The Portsmouth Writers Salon is at capacity and is not currently accepting new members.

We do have a waitlist, and those interested in being on the waitlist may email:

Alternatively, please see our list here of local open and closed ongoing writing groups: Ongoing Literary Stuff #PortsmouthNH

If you are looking to make some local literary connections, you may want to check out the Writers Night Out in your area hosted by the New Hampshire Writers Project: Writers Night Out

Keep Writing,

Portsmouth Writers Salon

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Notes from January 12, 2014

The Portsmouth Writers Salon had a wonderful meeting this evening. 

Items of interested mentioned this evening:

We are at capacity with our current 8 members (two of whom were on the waiting list in 2013, and have now joined us, and we welcome them!). 

For those on the waitlist or those looking for a writing group that meets at Portsmouth Book and Bar:

Darby Tench, local author, and former UNH Italian Professor, who studied with Umberto Eco, runs a writing workshop group that meets every Tuesday from 6:30-7:30 PM at Book and Bar. They are currently seeking more members as they have three members. 

Our writing prompt for this evening was: "We met in the restaurant just before you drive under the overpass, the park is on the other side Fisherman's Pier I think right on the water" - Patsy Lynch Collins

Local Literary ongoings can also be found on 

Until next time.

Keep Writing,

Portsmouth Writers Salon